
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 186

People in government have to realize that they and their families are not exempt from the snowballing processes which culminate in epidemics and chronic diseases; it is time they showed concern and sensitivity towards such vital and delicate matters.
The public in general should put pressure on these agencies to keep an open mind on issues of health and make them listen to responsible voices that raise concerns and propose solutions.
I do not claim to be the most articulate or authoritative advocate of this cause; many other people are also voicing their concern, but yet to no avail.
What we are saying is that in spite of the fact that it is already very late, nobody seems ready to take any initiative. The public perhaps expects everything to be initiated by the government, while the government, because of its structure and inertia, moves slowly and laboriously, probably expecting the public to put pressure on it first before initiating any new "radical" action. As a result, we witness a fatalistic attitude from both the government and the public, each one claiming that they have done "their best" and there is nothing more to be done. The truth of the matter is that what has been done to date has been highly inadequate.
The most important function of government, at least at this moment, is to connect those people who are aware of the ongoing destruction of this planet with the responsible agencies which have access to the information, authority and financial means needed to institute new, creative ideas which might reverse our destructive spiral.
It appears that our societies are extremely inflexible in structure, such that only a really big "shock" can shake us free and bring about an essential change. This "shock" has already occurred, and its unembellished dimensions are sufficient cause for initiating change.
Another one of government’s duties is to start a real investigation of alternative therapies such as Homeopathy, Acupuncture, Osteopathy, Herbalism and Naturopathy—all employing less toxic means for combating diseases.
Objective trials should show the relative suitability of such therapies, and then the government could organize and encourage their extensive use. Certainly the resulting broad range of