
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 183

b. The responsibility of the family towards society
Life will nevertheless be a constant stress under these circumstances. The family members will have to undergo frequent checkups and report immediately to health authorities the infection of another member of the family and the exact circumstances under which it took place. Health authorities should be informed as soon as possible since this information could be invaluable to other families in the same situation.
At this stage I will not go as far as others and proclaim that the species is in danger of vanishing within twenty to fifty years, but I am very aware of the fact that human organisms are developing degenerative diseases which definitely will be species-endangering in the very near future.
A good sign at this moment is that people are afraid of AIDS and have what might be called an "AIDS Scare Syndrome" which is so great that it has reduced casual sexual contact enormously. As a result of this trend, we shall witness a decrease in the number of sexually transmitted diseases, and as a secondary effect of this reduction, the number of AIDS cases may eventually decrease. In any case, such a decline will not be apparent for a long time since many, perhaps millions, who have been subclinically harboring the AIDS virus will become symptomatic in the foreseeable future.
AIDS, like cancer and many other chronic, degenerative diseases, has posed insoluble questions to the medical profession. My point of view is that if we cannot solve any of these problems, the least we can do is to stop and think for a moment about the possible reasons which may have led us to such dead ends. Pretending the problem does not exist is not a solution that will carry us far.
On the Societal level
Society faces a major dilemma since AIDS is not only an infectious disease but one that is lethal as well. The first of society’s reactions would be to ostracize the AIDS victims in order to save itself. This attitude is certainly not going to work because AIDS is not a disease of homosexuals, as I have tried to show throughout this book, but a disease of our society which evolved as a result of more complex conditions. It has come about because of the greed, irresponsibility, indiffer-