
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 181

them the necessity of not becoming involved in situations where the risk of venereal infection is great.
Those who are suspected of having the disease should by their own volition go to AIDS testing centers where their identities would be kept in confidence. The decision to reveal to others whether or not one is a carrier is left up to the integrity of the individual.
Every one of us is responsible for the state in which humanity finds itself at the moment, and it is quite unfair to start "throwing stones" and blaming others for what lies squarely with us and our conscience.
I believe the great majority of the victims are responsible people who understand the implications and the potential tensions to which this issue can give rise.
2. Those who have the AIDS-related complex:
This group has a much better chance of survival than the first group. The patients should immediately start a program of "rejuvenating" their immune system by turning to good alternative therapies, especially Homeopathy and other auxiliary measures, already mentioned above. Although at the moment there isn’t enough evidence that good Homeopathic treatment can really cure such individuals, there is a good chance of improving their plight.
It is imperative for them not to stress their immune systems any further by taking drugs, illicit or otherwise, and to be careful in their sexual practices so they won’t be infected with new venereal diseases. Here the idea of the vulnerability of the immune system, which is already under stress, and the damage that would be done to it under new and repeated attacks of venereal disease, cannot be emphasized enough.
3. Those who do not have the disease:
This is, of course, the major part of the population. These persons should be the most responsible for keeping up their own health as well as the health of others. I would strongly suggest to these people that they turn to alternative methods when treatment is needed, especially to Homeopathy. Even if they have to resort to allopathic drugs for a short period of time, they should then abstain from further drug-taking so that their immune systems can recuperate. Most of all, they should try to