
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 180

apparently did not go beyond that himself, although modern homeopaths use potencies to the hundred-thousandth centesimal and beyond!
The implications of this discovery are staggering. A substance shaken and diluted to a dilution of 1 in 100,000 parts, even to a total of 60 zeros and more, still acts to cure disease, quickly and permanently, and without side effects!
Clearly this phenomenon cannot be explained by ordinary chemical mechanisms. The dilutions are so astronomical that not even a mol¬ecule of the original medicines is left! And yet the actual clinical results demonstrate beyond a doubt that some influence remains—an influ¬ence which is powerful enough to cure even deep chronic diseases. In aphorism 209, Hahnemann writes:
"The homeopathic system of medicine develops, because of its special use, to a hitherto unheard of degree, the inner medicinal powers of the crude substances by means of a process peculiar to it, hitherto never tried, whereby they become immeasurably and penetratingly efficacious and remedial."
What Hahnemann has discovered is that there lies hidden in every substance in Nature some inner life. We can mobilize and use this "force" if we know how to process the substance correctly.
Somehow, the repeated dilutions and succussions of a homeopathic medicine release a great curative energy which is inherent in the substance. In homeopathy we witness the amazing cures that the potentized remedy can bring about.
In this connection, we are struck by something which the famed healer Paracelsus wrote centuries ago:
"The Quintessence is that which is extracted from a substance…After it has been cleansed of all impurities and its perishable parts, and refined to the highest degree, it attains extraordinary powers and perfections…In it there is great purity, and that has the virtue to cleanse the body."
As we have seen in the holistic health field—not to mention the ideas of Einstein and modern quantum physics—we have gone beyond the concept of nineteenth-century materialism and accepted quite easily the idea that all matter is in fact energy, and that this energy can be released and even harnessed. The true miracle is that in homeopathy it has been harnessed for the cure of the disease.
b. What they can do for others
The first obligation that everyone with AIDS has is a moral one, and that is to restrict sexual contact with others because of the grave possibility of infecting them.
Those who have understood the general principles involved in this book should attempt to educate others and to impress upon