
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 168

While it is true that a genetic predisposition exists in everyone, that predisposition may never manifest itself unless there is a major assault to the immune system. What is really frightening is the possibility that these drugs and vaccinations may so undermine the immune system that they will cause genetic mutations to be transmitted from parents to the next generation.
I do not want to denigrate the importance of other factors in the degeneration of the human race, but experience has shown us that all other factors combined are nothing in comparison with the immediate and deep damage that allopathic drugs wreak upon the body’s ecology. What Ivan Illich wrote 10 years ago in his book Medical Nemesis becomes almost prophetic today: "the gravest health hazard we face today is our medical system." Yet lay people and the medical establishment in general have virtually ignored his well-researched book.
Many other researchers and scientists such as Dubos, Mendelsohn, Gardner, Weitz, Silverman, Lee, Menninger, Ferguson, Lappe, McKeown, Klass and Pelletier joined their voices to warn the public that the storm was approaching with great speed, but no one with authority and responsibility on the governmental level or at the FDA (Food and Drug Administration of the U.S.) took serious notice of these warnings. The voices of the few who took notice were lost in a false euphoria of forthcoming solutions and optimistic predictions.
Still, nobody wants to face the facts, even today, when the world is in imminent danger not only from AIDS, but from all the degenerative diseases relentlessly on the rise. There are rumors circulating that the real numbers of AIDS victims have been changed or withheld, and that nobody is making an effort to elicit the truth. It is as if people do not want to hear that the disease is incurable, and they just pretend it doesn’t exist for them until it strikes them or someone they know.
But concerned scientists who are authorities on the subject of AIDS have contrary viewpoints from the ones mentioned above, and they emphatically warn us of the dangers of the disease. Here is what they have to say:
"The following are excerpts from the testimony of Dr. John Seale before joint hearings of the California Senate Health and Human