
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 159

AIDS carrier once exposed? The answer is NO. What I suggest is that a compromised immune system of a particular order will lead to AIDS, and the easiest way to bring about such a state is by having frequent venereal infections followed by repeated antibiotic treatment.
5. Why are drug users a high-risk group?
First of all, one has to take into consideration that many drug users also belong to the high-risk group of homosexuals, and this causes some confusion. On the other hand, daily drug use weakens the organism’s immune system and prepares it to accept the virus more readily, once introduced through use of an infected needle.
Drug users were actually the "secondary" victims of the epidemic. The previous groups could develop the virus through an endogenous process, while this group "prepared" its members to become prospective victims of the disease through the exogenous route.
Factors that promote degeneration by compromising the immune system
According to my hypothesis, an organism is ready to admit the virus and provide a conducive environment once it has reached a "critical point" in its inner balance, or in this case "imbalance." This imbalance can result from the assault of the organism by different agents, such as the following:
A. All strong allopathic drugs, especially those which have a direct impact on the immune system like antibiotics, antihis-tamines, antifungal agents, corticosteroids, chemotherapeu-tic drugs, etc., given repeatedly and in high dosages, can bring the organism to an AIDS-developing state. The human organism can usually tolerate small amounts of such drugs and will reestablish its balance automatically by its natural adaptability; but very few constitutions exist today which can tolerate long and repeated courses of such strong drugs without dire consequences.
Another problem is the passing of a predisposition from parents to children. Once the parents’ immune systems are compromised, a child born to these parents will have the weakness-predisposition passed on to them. They will be at