
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 152

originates from wrong treatment and the use of crude chemical drugs.
48. Just as the health of individuals displays continuity (e.g. in the manifest consequences of suppressive treatment), so does the course of human disease on the planet vary according to external circumstances. For instance, the appearance and predominance of certain diseases vary in relation to the degree of exposure of the human species to pollution, radiation, massive allopathic drugging, etc.
So, for instance, while we observe that during a specific period of time certain diseases decline and others increase, the overall result is that the intensity of disease in general remains on the ascendancy. While acute rheumatic fever and tuberculosis have declined, salmonellosis, chlamydia, non-specific urethritis, herpes, AIDS and a host of other new diseases have increased tremendously.
In earlier times, diseases that ravaged society were generally concerned with the lower levels of the physic al-emotional-mental planes, on the periphery of such systems as the cardiovascular, genitourinary, nervous, etc. But as societies have developed, new diseases emerged that penetrate more deeply the levels of the different planes; and thus these diseases are far more devastating. Just as diseases evolve in an individual, so they obviously evolve on a global scale. Simple diseases have evolved into more complex and difficult ones. We have gone from dysentery, typhus and malaria to pneumonia and tuberculosis, and then to cardiovascular diseases, nervous disorders, cancer, schizophrenia and finally AIDS.
It is also interesting to note that diseases which have been prominent for several decades now display a resistance to treatment, making them much more difficult to manage (salmonellosis, gonorrhea, malaria, etc.).
In short, one can say that whenever we have tried interfering in an unwise manner with the organism’s inner ecology by attacking its microorganisms, we have invariably won the battle and lost the war. Where we expected to eliminate disease, we have created new ones even more resistant, vicious and lethal.