
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 151

Even though the local suffering has changed very little or not at all, this quantum jump is experienced by the patient as a feeling of greater vitality, freedom and well-being.
If such a feeling emerges immediately after treatment, it is a sign that the cure for the local condition will soon come as well.
It is very important that this point is understood by all, since it is in this way that anyone under treatment is going to perceive whether the medicine is bringing about the desired effect. If, on the contrary, a treatment brings about a sense of discomfort, confusion, dissatisfaction and a general energy drop, it will mean that it is acting in a suppressive rather than in a curative manner.
47. Chronic disturbance or chronic disease has an underlying continuity which can be manifested at different levels, its symptomatology changing dramatically as the disturbance changes from one level to another. As the disturbance becomes more intense and locates more centrally in the organism, the level of health drops.
As an example, we have the case of a patient suffering from condylomata of the genitalia (a skin manifestation). The allopathic treatment relieves the patient of the condylomata but in a suppressive manner because the whole disturbance may now change into a chronic cystitis pattern (another level) which, in turn, if suppressed further, may develop into chronic ulcerative colitis. If the disturbance is pushed further into deeper regions, the colitis may eventually change into a severe anxiety state.
In such a case, the suffering will be greatest when the disease has been pushed to the mental and emotional planes and the patient develops anxiety. The least suffering will be felt when the patient is back to his original "condylomata" state.
When a real cure of the condylomata (after the initial disappearance) is achieved, there is no further chronic disease development in this organism, but rather a return to health.
It appears that almost no one within established medicine or society recognizes the fact that the development of chronic disease is neither accidental nor incidental, but is a strict, almost mathematical, sequence of events which many times