"The period once euphemistically called the Age of the Miracle Drugs is dead. Only the most optimistic observers can believe that we stand much of a chance of recapturing the spirit and hope of that age of some forty years ago. And only the most short-sighted could hope to see a reconstruction of that wonderful era when we believed we were on the verge of chemically conquering all infectious diseases. We tried, and the evolutionary prowess of the microbial world won out."6
During Pasteur’s time there was another French scientist called Bechamp who proposed a theory exactly opposite that of Pasteur. Bechamp maintained that it was mainly the "soil" or condition of the host organism at the moment that determined whether or not an individual would fall ill. The world followed Pasteur because his theories appeared more "logical," while Bechamp’s were rather peculiar and difficult to prove.
At this time, allopathic medicine was starting to establish itself as the main therapeutic modality in the world. When pharmaceutical companies joined the battle and exerted their power to influence medical doctors to prescribe their products exclusively, the supremacy of allopathy was virtually ensured. As a consequence, the ambitions and narrow-minded rhetoric of its institutions came to dominate the entire western medical world.
It is my belief that in the future the dictums of disease that allopathy imposes will prove not only wrong but disastrous for humanity. History will show that Pasteur, and with him the rest of the world, misinterpreted the phenomena he observed. Today the theories of Bechamp are being re-examined by several scientists. Their research is lending increased plausibility to his ideas.
At the beginning of this century, a little before the time of the dispute between the two French scientists Pasteur and Bechamp, an American physician called J. T. Kent wrote in his book Lectures on Homeopathic Philosophy, "The bacteria are results of disease. In the course of time we will be able to show perfectly that the microscopial little fellows are not the disease cause but that they come after, that they are scavengers accompanying the disease…. "7
45. In order to stimulate therapeutically an organism suffering from chronic or acute disease, we either have to introduce "batches" of subtle energy corre-