
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 145

degree if one experiences a transient stress on the emotional and mental levels.
If, however, a person is already in a very sensitive condition because of an acute disease (transient stress) and receives

Figure 28

Figure 28: If the stressor is strong, the organism will jump to a lower level "L"; if proper treatment is given, it can jump to a higher level "J".
strong stress such as allopathic treatment, this will further stress his organism and possibly result in dropping him to a lower level altogether. To make this clearer, let us say someone was suffering from acute bronchitis and after the treatment a permanent asthmatic condition developed. Then the health of the whole organism would have been degraded one level. In this case the individual would remain permanently at this new level unless he received proper treatment. In a less fortunate situation he may be stressed even further, and even though his asthma disappears, he may descend to an even lower level where he develops a more serious condition like epilepsy, a severe heart condition or a mental problem.
Established medicine has never realized the continuity or connection between the different states of health in the indi-