
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 135

35. Universal energy is "qualified" or modified by its passage through the mental, emotional and physical planes and is affected by the "data" (inherent predispositions) of each plane.
In a way, we have to imagine that the energy which animates the "triplex" (the mental, emotional and physical planes) of our being passes through the different planes of existence and is "colored" by the qualities of each level, which are unique for every individual. In the healthy state there is a harmonious flow of this energy passing through the levels, undispersed and undisturbed.
Thus we see that disease can be defined as areas of restric¬tion or knots of energy that do not permit a harmonious flow of this force. Acupuncture therapy is actually based on this idea; through manipulation of the energy junctions (where energy bundles are supposedly located), it reestablishes the harmoni¬ous flow.
The three planes may generate and degenerate independently from each other. The decisive factor is where most of the knots are found. If they are on the physical level they will degenerate the physical part, if on the emotional level, the emotional part, and so forth.
The physician should keep in mind that two forces act upon the organism at all times. One tends to degeneration, dispersion and finally death. This is akin to the law of nature called entropy. The other is the force of life, that formative intelligence which promotes and gives form to all animate and inanimate manifestations on earth. These opposing forces are in constant motion keeping one another in check, balancing each other, as long as the individual remains alive. In the final outcome, for the