would not only be ignored, but also suppressed. Such practice is certain to bring the immune system and its defenses to a state of deficiency and confusion.
"The function of the symptom" is "in the maintenance of organismic equilibrium and integrity. This, we feel, has been neglected and is only recently coming to be fully appreciated."8
When under unbearable stress, the organism will manifest signs and symptoms that are nothing else but the manifestations of the conflict that is going on within it on a level beyond the molecular.
"C. G. Jung noted that primitive people interpreted illness not as a weakness of the conscious mind but rather an inordinate strength of the unconscious mind in the process of transforming an individual from one stage of life to another. Symptoms may be the indication of an individual’s attempt to undergo a profound self-healing process which may be disrupted rather than enhanced by chemotherapy."9
"Dermatitis, inflammation of the nerve ends of the skin, is often found to have a regenerative effect and may very well have its origin in some reactions of the defense mechanisms of the organism. A seeming mishap may have the function of averting a catastrophe.
"… we may get a statistical answer indicating to what extent epileptic seizures may be a necessity for this or that degree of complexity of combination among the myriad million units of our Olympian nerve-net, considering that whenever two or three nerve cells are gathered together a seizure may occur."10
The pattern of signs and symptoms will indicate the line of least resistance with which the defence system has chosen to best defend the organism.
For example, if an organism is already under stress due to a sexually transmitted disease, e.g. syphilis or gonorrhea, in order to abolish its symptoms medical treatment would call for a powerful drug to be prescribed and inserted into the chemistry of an already-stressed system. The organism’s defenses, especially the immune system, will suffer a tremendous blow and a confused state will ensue. Under such stress its line of defense may start breaking down and a new "health condition" much worse than the previous one will be established.
According to the Model advanced here, AIDS is nothing but the result of constant and haphazard use of antibiotics, especially penicillin, on organisms already under extreme stress from previous exposures to infections (usually sexually transmitted diseases). At a certain point, the immune system is