
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 128

thinking that changing it borders on the heretical. Yet unless we decide to really look at the facts with an open mind and a sincere desire to understand what is going on, we will never solve the riddle of these vicious epidemics. Today, the worst of these epidemics is called AIDS; tomorrow some other name may take precedence.
I do believe that if we carry on in the same way and continue using such large quantities of strong chemicals, new epidemics worse than AIDS will soon appear.
32. The totality of the organism’s response under stress creates a pattern of symptomatology that is uniquely individual for that patient. According to this principle, there cannot be a generalized treatment for a specific type of disorder.
Specific stressors like bacteria, microbes, viruses, etc., bring about gross reactions (disease symptoms) that on a superficial level look quite similar in everyone. Yet looking closer at each person’s symptomatology we perceive individualized reactions in different organisms that signify the individual response to stress. If the same treatment is given to everyone it will probably be to the detriment of the organism, which will have to face not only the disease but also the chemicals used to counteract the disease.
In established medicine, there may be talk about the need for a holistic approach in treating patients, but in actual practice the exact opposite occurs—the same medicine is prescribed for every patient with a specific disease.
In England, physicians established the Holistic British Medical Association to persuade people about their sincerity and beliefs in these principles.
It seems that orthodox medical people realize that the precepts of alternative medicine are correct. They acknowledge that treatment should address the whole individual in his mental, emotional and physical totality rather than only his local, physical manifestations. When it comes to actual practice, however, they frequently have no other option but to give the official treatment specific for a disease. The conventional type of treatment is supported and maintained by research groups and promoted by certain pharmaceutical companies with interests in mind.