
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 127

gone for good and consequently, the organism has jumped to a different reality in relation to its energy state.
When something of this nature occurs in the organism, then we can conclude that it has suddenly changed levels in a manner which can be understood only as an energy change or a quantum jump.
The organism always seems to hesitate as to which way it should go. Depending on several parameters, there is a choice of different probabilities which the organism may follow given different stresses (theory of uncertainty).5
Perhaps such a state is more easily understood when we examine the cases where weather changes trigger a better or worse state of health. We can all accept that electrical potentials of the atmosphere affect human organisms, and there are many individual cases which suffer intensely from these barometric changes.
31. Diseases are nothing but the activation and consequent manifestation of the existing predispositions in response to stress.
So far we have arrived logically at the conclusion that for diseases to manifest, they must have an underlying, continuing cause which is not the bacteria, virus or fungus, but the deep-seated predisposition of the organism. Bacteria or viruses will appear as soon as the internal conditions of the organism change; in this manner the organism becomes an ideal breeding ground for them.
Even if the appropriate bacteria or virus is not present, they can still manifest (in the organism) through a series of mutations from similar preexisting microorganisms.
If this hypothesis is true, the whole concept and cornerstone belief of classical medicine—that bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc., are the causes of disease—will collapse.
This assumption has great repercussions therapeutically and also for research because there is an enormous difference be¬tween "killing" the invading organisms—something that allopathic medicine tries to do—and maintaining the defense system in the best possible condition, as suggested by the Model.
This cornerstone idea of "killing the invader" put forth by established medicine has been so entrenched in our way of