
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 124


29. The human organism possesses a very complex de¬
fense mechanism that helps it maintain its optimum
balance. This mechanism transcends its physical
components and operates on an energy level.
Some components already known on the physical level are:
a. Immune system
b. Reticuloendothelial system
c. Sympathetic-parasympathetic system
d. Hormonal system
e. Lymphatic system
The organism mobilizes one or more components of the defense system depending on the particular stressor and its singular susceptibility to it. But the whole of the defense mechanism is too complex to be known in its entirety.
What is important to understand is that when the immune system acts or reacts, it is responding to an order given from a "central intelligence source" which is within and at the same time above these systems. The order of mobilization of a system and how this is coordinated is something beyond the capacity of even the greatest artificial intelligence known today. This superintelligence which exists in the organism should be envi¬sioned as an energy-field structure, a supercomputer situated at a level that cannot be thought of in purely material terms (as in chemistry, in purely physicochemical terms).1
30. When a stressor exercises a strong influence (due to
the susceptibility of the organism to it), then the
threshold of "hesitant balance" is crossed and the
organism moves via a "quantum jump" to a new
pattern of minor coherence (more confusion). It
seems that for every given state of health there are