
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 122

The attraction between the host and stimulus must be of great magnitude in order for the above to happen. This mutual attraction and the ensuing results take place instantaneously because this recognition occurs on an energy level. The initial embrace of the stimulus with the organism is the primary event; the symptoms come later. These symptoms are the child that is born after the "embrace" and resulting "fertilization," and after the "incubation period" in which the disease has been conceived but has not yet manifested itself.
The greater the attraction between the host and stimulus, the stronger the child (disease). As the attraction or susceptibility lessens, so does the severity of the manifested symptoms.
This principle explains why some people will develop quite dramatic symptomatology and die soon after an infection while others, given the same circumstances, will recover with considerable ease.
Yet in spite of different predispositions, different reactions to pathological agents and different general states of health, allopathic physicians still prescribe the same drugs to people with a specific disease, ignoring the peculiar sensitivities and particular idiosyncracies of these individuals.
People are under the impression that they will die unless they take certain antibiotics or whatever medicine is prescribed. This is a delusion not even supported by the medical community itself. There is much research available today to show that different treatments given during epidemics have had very little or nothing to do with the decline of the epidemic.1820
"However, when antibiotics are prescribed without adequate testing to determine the vulnerabilities of the infecting organism, or when the infection has already gone on a long time, problems are the rule and not the exception. As we have seen, one of these problems is the emergence of new strains of bacteria that are resistant to the particular antibiotic being used. …The previous error of using penicillin to treat every respiratory illness even suspected of being bacterial was repeated with staph infections. Even those infections that would have responded to conservative treatment—such as lancing and draining boils—were systematically treated without any clear effort to establish patients’ need or the susceptibility of the bacteria in question." u