
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 118

depend on the quality of the individual’s life and the number and intensity of the stresses.
This is something that needs little explanation as it is rather self-evident; namely, a person may be born with an undermined constitution, predisposed to different diseases, yet may not get sick if he lives a healthy life and is lucky enough not to encounter hostile stimuli that will trigger his predispositions.
One can find such individuals in remote places where the "chemicals" of contemporary life have not yet overwhelmed the area and where life has a different rhythm than in our modern cities.

Figure 22: Activated predisposition.
What is important to understand is that many chronic diseases manifested in people living in contemporary societies are becoming more and more common. This is due to increased ingestion of prescription and non-prescription drugs, environmental pollution and inadequate diet. All of these factors trigger existing predispositions on the one hand, and on the other, prepare the way for creating new ones.
Similarly, there are people born with excellent hereditary traits from the healthiest of parents who may still die quite