
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 116

b. Inappropriate treatments received during one’s lifetime.
Today, inappropriate treatment is responsible for many diseases. Allergic conditions are at an all-time high because of the inordinate use of drugs that deeply affect the immune system. The excessive use of drugs is responsible for the development of a multitude of new pathological conditions. Of course, the most classic example remains the sensitivity towards penicillin that has developed because of the wide use of this drug.
The (already high) 6-16 statistics revealing the number of iatrogenic diseases take into consideration only those patients who appear to fall ill directly after their exposure to allopathic drugs. But there are many more cases that suffer from the long-term effects of allopathic drugs; these cases are not included in the statistics because the beginning of illness does not coincide with the time of treatment. There are pharmacologists who support this contention and classify the side effects of allopathic drugs as short-term and long-term, the latter being the more dangerous because they are unpredictable and have a widespread influence on humanity (e.g. carcinogenesis).5
A person will naturally ask the question, "If there are so many documented cases of harmful side effects from drugs, is it possible that all other patients who received the same drugs in the same quantity have escaped the consequences completely?"
Paradoxical as it may seem, research scientists who work for pharmaceutical companies never ask such questions.
The truth of the matter is that every patient, according to his specific sensitivities and predispositions, incurs a relative side effect that takes one of the following forms:
1. Those patients who are very sensitive to a drug and at the
same time are in a very precarious state of health may
suffer a fatal outcome from the treatment.
2. Those who are sensitive to the drug but whose health is
better will have severe side effects but will survive.
3. Those who are not very sensitive to the drug but whose
health is poor will develop long-term effects after the
treatment; the organism will fall subtly and insidiously
into a second line of defense because of the treatment.