
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 112

24. As the Model is constructed, it can easily be recognized that a correspondence of ideas exists among the mental, emotional and physical planes. Certain emotional traits correspond to certain organs and functions of the physical body or mind and vice-versa.
It might be too early or too presumptuous to speak about a correspondence between the way we feel or think and the condition of our physical organs. But from rny experience in treating people, and from the experience of many well-trained physicians, it appears that the idea is valid.2-8 People with a certain fear will develop a corresponding disturbance in one of their physical organs.9 Rigidity of character may result in rigidity of the muscular structure, especially the tendons.10 A person who is very tight with his money may develop constipation, or someone who has undertaken too much responsibility may develop stiffness in his neck area. One who is prone to depression may develop problems with his liver, and one whose mind is too hesitant about vital issues may develop some kind of paralysis. These are only general examples suggesting a direction for future research, and are neither precise nor conclusive. There are so many parameters to be considered in such research that in this book I only want to introduce the idea.