
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 111


In the near future the significance of the mental and emo¬tional planes will be more widely appreciated, and people will realize their importance to overall well-being. Our educational systems will be reorganized with this in mind, and education will really become a more human endeavor. Students will be happy to go to such educational centers where the wonders of science and art will be taught to them.
I envision schools where Beethoven’s symphonies and Rembrandt’s paintings will take up equal teaching time with physics and chemistry; and where the philosophical teachings of ancient Greece will be taught along with Egyptian, Hebrew and Indian mystical philosophies.
Education, as it stands today, is unbalanced. It fails because it is based on developing human intelligence and physical strength to the exclusion of the development of the emotional and spiritual part of the human being. It is also based on competition and ambition instead of the love and wisdom inherent in us all.
At the moment, technology has overwhelmed the individual and crushed him under its spell. Human beings of all intellects become slaves of this technology. It is progressing so fast that the individual has to work more and more in order to catch up with the "opportunities" it offers. Nobody sits back to contemplate; even during our holidays we run here and there, winding down only when it is time to return home and to continue our crazy race for material gains.
In the West we have finally managed to amass tremendous material gains, but we have paid for them with unbelievable spiritual loss. The price we will pay will also be great in terms of our health.1