I feel obliged first of all to thank the following people whose assistance was invaluable in writing this small treatise:
— Alexandra Delinick, M.D., for her patience and dedication
in helping to put my ideas in book form;
— Michael Lefas, M.D., for his invaluable help with the
immense research required to support the book’s hypoth
— George Guess, M.D., my American editor, for his great
contributions of time and energy in editing and reviewing
this book;
— Sandy Ross, Ph.D., my American assistant, for her devo
tion and tireless efforts for many years on behalf of all of
my work; and her foundation, Health and Habitat, for
producing this book and my Materia Medica Viva.
— Julia Cagwin, typesetter, of the Wild Flower Press, Mill
Valley, California, for her perserverance and guidance.
— Gregory Vlamis, for bringing us Nick Jannes, who gener
ously financed a major portion of this book’s production.
I also want to thank John Papadopoulos, Assistant Prof., Dept. of Pharmacology, University of Athens, for his invaluable assistance and criticism, Dr. Francis Treuherz for his editing comments, Harvey Haber for his early work and transcriptions, Jean Barnard, granddaughter of American homeopath William Boericke, M.D., for her early editing, and Linda Johnston, M.D., for her assistance, support and dedication. I thank Peggy Chipkin, R.N., F.N.P., for editing the second edition.
I cannot refrain from giving my deepest appreciation and thanks to all my Teachers whom I was privileged to meet in this life. Strangely enough, none were well known in academic circles nor taught at "recognized" institutions of learning; they insisted on continuing their work in "silence" and anonymity,