warmth of the sun’.
The Conium perspiration has one striking and very important modality: ‘Sweat as soon as she closes the eyes, only in the beginning of the sleep; even by day, when sleeping in sitting position’.
Itching of the skin, especially of the backs of the fingers. ‘Itching stitches, as from fleas, one directly after the other, here and there on the body, but always single stitches, never two at the same time’.
Yellow discolouration of the skin, also of the finger nails and the whites of eyes. Brown spots on the body.
Urticaria after violent bodily exercise.
Obstinate herpetic eruptions in different places, e.g. around the neck, behind the ears, in the crook of the knee, on hands and forearms; usually moist and burning, worse by warmth.
An example by Hartlaub: ‘Sudden herpetic eruption on forearm, beginning as a small spot and gradually spreading over arm; skin became porous, very red and raw, with furrows and depressions. Sore, broken places formed here and there in the skin, viscid lymph or blood oozing from them, lymph drying and forming white crusts under which the exudation still continues; intense itching in affected parts, with irresistible desire to scratch, partic¬ularly in evening; surrounding lymphatics swollen and involved…’ Burning nodules on the skin during the menses, disappearing with the end of the bleeding.
Petechia, especially in old people.
Tendency to necrotic ulcers.
Asthma. Bladder, inflammation of. Breast, affections of. Bronchitis. Bruises. Cancer. Cataract. Chorea. Cough. Cysts, sebaceous. Depression. Diphtheritic paralysis. Dysmenia. Erisipelas. Eyes, affections of. Galactorrhoea. Herpes.