Violent pain of testes. ‘Pain as though a knife was cutting through the middle of the scrotum, between the testes upward as far as the root of the penis; with frequent short repetitions’. In his Dictionary, Clarke reports a case of contusion of the testes with very similar pains; Conium C200 relieved in 5 minutes! There is also pressive, pinching and tearing pain in the testicles.
Female Genitalia
In this region, Conium has particularly caused and cured indurations and hard tumours with stinging, shooting pains. It has been frequently used in mammary and uterine cancer, and in induration and enlargement of the ovaries as well.
Some proving symptoms: ‘Hardness of the right breast, with painfulness to touch and nightly stitches with it’. ‘Stitches, as with needles, in the left mammary gland’. Conium proved especially useful, in hard tumours after a blow or beating against the mamma.
Moreover, Conium is indicated in many complaints in connection with menstru¬ation. Some symptoms caused and cured by Conium that occurred before the menses: aching in limbs, tearful mood, restlessness and anxious worry about every trifle; anxious dreams; pains in mammae, especially on every jar; dry heat in whole body, but without thirst; stinging pains in the liver region, more at night while lying down and especially on inspiration; flatulence; pain inside in the root of nose.
Dysmenorrhoea with violent uterine cramps. Some descriptions:
‘Grinding pain is felt above pudendum; the abdomen becomes inflated, the pain affects the chest and stitches are felt in left side’. Pressure downward and drawing in the thigh or stitching pain in the vagina. Contractive pain in the hypogastrium disappearing on walking in the open air. Concomitant symptoms: great fear when alone, but dread of strangers or company; stitches in mammae; headache; eruption all over body, consisting of small red nodules that burn violently after scratching and disappear with the end of the menstrual bleeding.
Moreover, Conium has effected a cessation or suppression of the menses, and
so it has acted curatively in amenorrhoea and complaints from amenorrhoea, and in too scanty menses as well. If the ‘premenstrual’