Excessively acute sense of smell.
Burning at the nostrils.
Stitching and sore pain in the nasal septum, also on tip of nose.
Too frequent sneezing, or obstruction of nose, which may become chronic. Obstructed nose for years’ (Hahnemann).
Discharge of pus from the nose, mingled with blood.
Before the menses, pain inside in root of nose, aggravated by blowing nose and pressure.
Eruptions in face, itching; pustular or vesicular; gnawing ulcers in face.
Blisters at the upper lip, at the margin of the red portion, painful.
Indurated tumours on cheeks and especially on lips, also as a consequence of pressure or contusion (tobacco pipe). Malignant tumours of the lips. Hardening and enlargement of the submandibular glands.
Tearing stinging face-ache, directly before the ear; or a drawing pain from the jaw to the ear, or else painful tension near the ear. Facial pains that mostly occur at night.
Drawing toothache, extending through the temples, aggravated by eating cold things, but not by cold drinking.
Drawing, jerking or gnawing toothache, with a sensation as if the teeth were loose, especially on mastication.
Tongue swollen, stiff, and painful, with difficult speech and articulation. Paralysis of the tongue.
Saliva tasting sour, or bitter taste in mouth.
Bitter taste in throat.
Constant inclination to swallow, especially when walking in the wind.
Strange rising in the throat, with a sense of stuffing as if something were lodged there. This may be a hysterical symptom (globus hystericus): ‘Pressure from pit of stomach upwards into oesophagus, as though a round body were ascending’. Or else: ‘Fullness in pit of throat, with fruitless efforts to belch’.