with a knife’. Throbbing headache, felt in the forehead.
On the other hand, there is also a sensation of ‘giddy constriction of the brain’ or a headache ‘as if externally contracted’ above the os firontale, or else a headache ‘like a compression from both temples, after every meal’.
Drawing in the head, as soon as one goes out in the cold air; relieved on closing the eyes. With this, there is a sensation of ‘great weakness in the head and the whole body’.
Tearing pains in occiput and back of neck, but also in the orbits, with constant nausea, urging to lie down.
Headaches with blindness or disturbances of vision, also with a sensation as if something like a fringe was falling over eyes.
Falling hair.
The most important symptom is a weakness of the eye muscles, and particularly of the accommodation of the eyes, sometimes amounting to paralysis. The remedy may be indicated in presbyopia, as Hahnemann already presumed in the Materia Medica Pura. ‘Far-sightedness; could distinctly see rather distant objects’.
‘Affected with a weakness and dazzling of my eyes, together with a giddiness and debility of my whole body, especially the muscles of my arms and legs, so that when I attempted to walk I was apt to stagger like a person who had drunk too much liquor’.
Double vision occasionally occurs, as well as squinting, etc. Conium affects all the muscles in the region of the eyes, producing difficulties with every kind of motion of the eyes, on looking around or behind, turning the head, etc. ‘Eyes feel as if pulled outward from nose’. And: ‘He could hardly raise the eyelids, which seemed pressed down by a heavy weight’. Weakness of vision may be cured with Conium, but also many other disturbances of vision. For instance: Sees before his eyes dark spots and coloured stripes, or clouds and bright spots, or else bows, sometimes playing in all rainbow colours; red vision.
‘Fiery zigzags, moving through each other before the sight, on closing the eyes at night’.