
Materia Medica Viva Volume 9 – page 2045

Perspiration as soon as one closes the eyes. This symptom permitted Lippe to cure a 80-year-old man who suffered from hemiplegia.
‘The clothes lie upon chest and shoulders like a load’.
Conium may be indicated in mononucleosis infectiosa, especially in the glandular form (if the symptoms agree, of course). Other remedies frequently indicated in this disease are Iodium and Mercurius.
‘Violent headache with vertigo, from which she suffered for three or four days; she was sad and silent, just sitting there the whole time’. Sick headaches with vertigo and an inability to urinate. There are also headaches with unsatisfactory and too small stools.
Constant sensation of confusion and stupefaction in the head. ‘Constant dullness of the forehead, in the region of the eyebrows and the root of the nose’. Alcohol aggravates, even when mixed with water and drunk in very small quantities. ‘Even watered wine rises to his head’.
Great sensitivity of the brain, especially to jar. ‘On shaking the head, headache from the forehead to the occiput, as if something were loose in there’. ‘On every step a snapping in the vertex, without pain’. ‘Forcing and griping in the forehead, seemingly coming from the stomach, with much sensitiveness of the brain; the brain is shaken even by a noise or by talking’. There are also headaches from over-study.
Sensations of heaviness in the head, especially in the occiput, arising when sitting bent forward and ceasing when raising the head.
Strange sensations: ‘Numbness, with sensation of coldness, of one side of the head’. Sensation in the right half of the brain as of a large foreign body. Hot spots on top or back of head, worse from excitement or overwork.
Often there are severe headaches from within outward. ‘Headache, as if the brain were too full and the skull would burst, in the morning, on waking’.
Sticking pain in top of head and forehead, from within outward. Very severe occipital pains on every heartbeat, ‘as though the occiput were pierced