
Materia Medica Viva Volume 9 – page 2037

other side; this movement aggravates them terribly. (This should be differentiated from the similar symptom in Silicea, where the vertigo in bed only arises from turning to the left.)
On sudden motion, for example on turning the head to look behind them, everything seems to turn around them. They complain about the head problem, it is nearly indescribable for them; they do not say vertigo, instead they use words like a buzzing inside the head, a noise, a dizziness, or similar terms.
In a recent case from Argentina (quoted in Klassische Homoopathie 5/93), a 57-year-old man got ‘vertigo, worse when turning around in bed, with a feeling as though the brain had gone to sleep’.
This came on after his wife had (in his words), ‘condemned him to celibacy’.
In other cases, patients start to tremble and feel as if paralyzed all over; even mentally paralyzed, unable to perform any duties, with problems in concentrating; unable to stand mental effort for any length of time.
Conium are also fixed on their sexual patterns, not at all flexible. They are not oversexed, and they do not tend to promiscuity or extramarital relationships. On the contrary, when they make a decision to keep with one partner, they will stay together until the partner dies.
Typical symptoms will be; complaints of swollen glands, the head is not clear and there are headaches, even very severe headaches, or headaches together with vertigo. The patient starts trembling and feels weak. With this picture you might prescribe Gelsemium, Cocculus or Carbo vegetabilis. But once you have the information about the loss of a partner and the abrupt end to sexual activity, then there is only one remedy that will help and this is Conium.
Of course, such a history also happens to other people who do not