pathological reaction, and this is often accompanied by an indur¬ation on the physical level, a tumour which is usually malignant.
These symptoms after a ‘material loss’ can occur very suddenly, even immediately, at quite another speed compared to the slow and gradual paralysis of the remedy. If, for instance, the patient’s house burns down and many valuable things are lost, he can develop symptoms very quickly, especially hard tumours, even cancer, and in such a case Conium will often be indicated.
Suppression of Sexuality
The biggest material loss for Conium is the deprivation of regular sexual activity. The moment they lose regular sex with their partner, problems start. The body may function well as long as there is a regular release on the sexual level, a release of the hormones at regular intervals with a specific partner.
This is what they need to feel in balance, otherwise the balance is lost. Therefore you will often see Conium indicated in women who have lost or separated from their partner and do not have a new love affair.
Female Conium patients depend on the regular sexual activity they are used to, and if the husband dies, the woman does not easily start a new affair. Because of this failure to release the hormones, problems will arise, which can go from vertigo, which is usually the first to appear, to trembling and weakness.
It can go as far as developing severe problems, even cancer, and especially cancer of the breast or of the uterus. Cancer of cervix uteri is also often seen. The idea is that a hard tumour develops, mostly of the glands, but it can be anywhere.