
Materia Medica Viva Volume 9 – page 2029

Quick flushes of heat over the whole body. Sensation of heat inside the body, especially upper part of body, which is also externally warm to the touch.
Two important and peculiar perspiration symptoms: sweat in the morning, at the lower legs, and profuse night sweat on head, hands, thighs and feet, with a urinous odour.
Itching as after profuse perspiration; in the morning on waking, and after rising, over the whole body, but especially at chest and abdomen.
Cataract. Ciliary neuralgia. Colic. Coxalgia. Diabetes. Diarrhoea. Dysentery. Dysmenorrhoea. Glaucoma. Headache. Hoarseness. Menstrual colic. Neuralgia. Ovaries, affections of. Paraphimosis. Peritonitis. Rheumatism. Sciatica. Tooth¬ache, Tumours. Uterus, pain in. Vagina, pain in.
Antidoted by: Camphor, Causticum, Chamomilla, Coffea, Staphisagria, Opium. Large doses are counteracted with tepid milk, an infusion of galls, Camphor and Opium.
It antidotes: Causticum, Magnesia carbonica Compatible: Chamomilla, Staphisagria.
Complementary: Mercurius in dysentery with much tenesmus.
Compare: Bryonia, Elaterium, Cucurbita Pepo, Dioscorea; tearing pains in body, better by motion.
Causticum; rheumatism, and follows Colocynthis in colic.
Cannabis: eyes feel hard, beer intoxicates easily.
Colchicum; stiffness in joints, esp. knees.
Digitalis; paraphimosis.
Staphisagria; anger, vexation, neuralgia; they follow each other well.