
Materia Medica Viva Volume 9 – page 2017

in forehead and eyes, from out in, which lasted for 90 hours, day and night, with only short remissions, was cured with Colocynthis.
Tensive-pressive pain over whole forehead, especially when evacuating a very soft and easy stool.
Roots of hair painful. Burning pain in skin of forehead, above the eyebrows. ‘Headache as from a draught, ceasing when walking in the open air’ (Bonninghausen).
The headaches in the region of the forehead will often also affect the eyes. Pressive pain in the eyeballs and orbitae, especially on stooping. Sometimes there is a sensation on stooping as if the eye would fall out. Smarting or burning pressure in the eyes. A strange symptom: ‘In the evening, stinging drawing along the left tibia, as far as the tarsal bones, simultaneously burning pressure in left eye’. Sharp cutting and stinging pains, frequently extending from the eyeball into the head or towards the nose; ciliary neuralgia, ameliorated by firm pressure. ‘Stabs, as from knives, in the right eyeball, towards the root of the nose’. Tearing pain in the right eye, beginning in the forehead as a sting, afterwards extending to the temple.
Annoying twitching of the right upper eyelid, during the headaches.
Ophthalmia with burning cutting pains in the eyes, raging headaches, rush of blood to head and profuse discharge of acrid humour from the eyes. Iritis, iridocyclitis, choroiditis.
Ears and Nose
Constant roaring and throbbing in both ears. Buzzing and obstructed feeling in the left ear, coming and going rhythmically.
Crawling or itching stitches in the right ear, or else cutting stinging in the concha; all symptoms ceasing on putting the finger into the ear.
‘Throbbing-burrowing pain in the nose, extending from the left side to the root of the nose’ (Materia Medica Pura).
Fluent coryza, especially in the open air. Obstruction of the nose, also with impaired sense of smell and discharge of purulent mucus from the nose.