Or, as Kent puts it, ‘His friends irritate him and he wants to be alone’.
The patient cannot concentrate in order to work. There is no drive, the mind feels dull and inactive because of a feeling of internal exhaustion. This want of ability to concentrate, and of mental energy, may also be expressed as ‘Strange mood, not permitting to keep to an idea ’.
On the physical level, there are also states of weakness and exhaustion. ‘General lassitude, feeling as if bruised in the small of the back. Sensation as if all his strength was failing’. ‘Fainting with coldness of the external parts’.
Colocynthis is a remedy with marked general modalities. Relief from hard pressure, especially from bending double, drawing the legs up, etc. Hering expressed this very graphically: ‘If the patients press their fists against their belly, or they press their abdomen against a bed post, a corner of the table, or something similar, as if they were in a rage, or if they lie down on their belli/, putting pillows under it, etc., and in this way they finally come to a rest’. Or, as Chronic Diseases puts it, ‘The pain is only relieved by pressure upon the bowels with the hands and bending himself inward’.
It is similar with other painful states, as in sciatica, trigeminus neuralgia, headaches and so on. If hard pressure ameliorates pains that would otherwise be unbearable, Colocynthis should be thought of. However, it is possible that in painful states that have been lasting for a longer time, the parts finally become sore to the touch, so that even pressure is not tolerated any more.