Ailments from Vexation and Anger
Colocynthis is indicated in colicky pain from anger that has been kept inside, but also in many other complaints resulting from vexation and especially anger kept inside. Whenever a diseased state is preceded by vexation, Colocynthis should be thought of. For example, Hahnemann mentions: ‘Bruised pain in shoulder joint after vexation’. And many cured cases in literature give evidence that Colocynthis may be indicated in such states as headaches, feverish infections after miscarriage, ischialgia, etc. after vexation.
Kent describes how a Colocynthis state may develop: ‘Colocynth produces a state in the nervous system like that found in individuals who have for years been labouring under annoyances and vexations. A man whose business affairs have been going wrong becomes irritable and nervous exhaustion follows’. These days, we might take the example of a manager who has to do a very important job, but is not given the proper resources and power. He suffers silently, keeps his frustration inside, and finally he gets terrible colicky pain.
Kent also gives a fine description of other kinds of ‘complaints from vexation’, i.e. the ones connected with irritability: ‘Ovarian neuralgia… the woman will flex the limb of the painful side hard against the abdomen and hold it there. The physician asks, “What has happened to give you these pains?” Her answer is likely to be, “My servant spilled some dirty water on a handsome rug, we had some words over it, and this is the result.’’
We can see something of the sensitivity to injustice in this behaviour, which is mentioned by Hahnemann in his indication: ‘Ailments… from mortification about unworthy treatment… of persons with whom they feel sympathy’.