
Materia Medica Viva Volume 9 – page 2006

Sweat is often absent, but sometimes ‘copious sour sweat without relief is present. Suppression of perspiration on account of getting wet may lead to paralytic affections.
The skin is usually white and delicate, and it does not tend to become red; swellings are usually rather pale. This is not only true in oedema and anasarca but also in rheumatism and gout.
Tingling in single spots of the skin, especially in prominent parts (fingers, toes, ears), when the weather changes; as though these parts had been frozen formerly; sensitive to weather.
Stitching pain in the skin, with twitching through the whole body.
Appendicitis. Asthma. Cataract. Cholera. Colic. Cough. Cramp. Debility. Diabetes. Diarrhoea. Dropsy. Dysentery. Eye, affections of. Feet, painful. Gout. Heart, affections of. Ileus. Intermittent fever. Intestinal catarrh. Lumbago. Myalgia. Neck, stiff. Nephritis. Pericarditis. Proctalgia. Prostatitis. Rectum, prolapse of. Rheumatism. Tongue, sensation lost. Typhlitis. Typhoid fever.
Antidoted by: Belladonna, Camphora, Cocculus, Nux vomica, Pulsatilla, Spigelia, honey and sugar. In poisoning, give Ammonium causticum in sugar water.
It antidotes: Thuja.
Follows well: Lycopodium.
Followed well by: Carbo vegetabilis (in Ascites)
Compare: Bryonia; gout, rheumatism, worse by movement.
Pulsatilla; intolerance of eggs, nausea at food odours.
Sepia, Calcarea carbonica, Arsenicum, Ambra; icy coldness in stomach.
Nux vomica; irritability, but Colchicum dislikes all foods and debility is more profound.