
Materia Medica Viva Volume 9 – page 2005

Tingling in inner surface of big toe, second and third toe of the right foot, as though they had fallen asleep.
Cramps in legs and soles.
Oedematous swelling of feet or legs.The left big toe is painful as though the nail would grow into the flesh. If stubbing of toes is extremely painful, this is a clear hint for Colchicum.
Great sleepiness during day, ‘irresistible tendency to sleep’, falls asleep when reading (provided that the pain is not too violent).
Frequently sleeps on back (in this position the pains may also be relieved) because he is no more able to fall asleep lying on the side. For instance: ‘Could not fall asleep in bed for a long time because he couldn’t lie on the left side, on which he was accustomed to sleep. He had a feeling as though a fold of the sheet pressed against him, but this was not the case; he found out that the pain had its seat in the region of the spleen but was only perceptible on external pressure’.
Restless sleep, disturbed by frightening dreams, restless limbs or diarrhoea.
In the morning, rising from bed is possible only with much difficulty, on account of the paralytic weakness.
Fever, Chill and Perspiration
General coldness, especially coldness of the extremities; of hands and feet.
Constant chilliness of whole body, even in a warm room. From a description of a rheuma case by Kurtz: ‘Almost constant chilliness, even when sitting near the stove, only interrupted by fleeting flushes of heat; skin dry and without sweat; no thirst, or at least not much increased thirst’. Frequent shivering extending down back, also with sphincter spasms. Dry heat of the skin, particularly at night. Or ‘Rheumatic fever, exacerbating in the afternoon; patient complains about constantly increasing dry heat of whole body, with palpitation and thirst; suddenly sweat breaks out and disappears again as suddenly as it came’. (Hartmann)