Urinary Organs
The secretion of urine is generally diminished, the urine is dark; the urinary passages are irritated and painful on urination; often there is tenesmus of the bladder. Torturing pains in the region of the kidneys are frequent. Violent, cramp-like pains in region of loins and urinary passages, with constant urging to urinate and discharge of small quantities of fiery red urine.
Burning sensation in urethra on urination, as though it were sore. Incessant burning in urinary passages, with scanty urination.
Involuntary spurting out of urine with nocturnal cough.
Conditions of dropsy with diminished urination. In the books, the dark urine which contains albumen and blood is much emphasised.
‘In two cases, the post-scarlatinal dropsy was combined with an urine that was almost like ink, without any other bleedings. The urine contained much albumen’ (Clotar M Her, in R ckert, Clinical Experiences 4:4).
Burning, tenesmus and spasm on urination is also frequent. For example oedema ‘where there is constant urging to urinate, like a spasm in the bladder, and a small quantity of urine is discharged with much pain’. Inflammatory affections of the kidneys. For instance: ‘Violent pain in right renal region; could not lie but on the back. Aggravation by pressure and motion. Pulse a little bit fuller and more frequent. Tongue clean, thirst moderate. Urine is turbid and leaves an orange-coloured ring in the vessel’ (‘Goullon, quoted from R ckert, Clinical Experiences, 5:503).
Stapf gives the following summary of the Colchicum action in this region: ‘The scanty discharge of dark urine, accompanied by painful sensa-tions and tenesmus, seems to be the primary action’.
Jahr puts it like this: ‘Constant urging with scanty discharge…scanty evacuation of dark, red urine, with burning and twingeing in the urethra’.
Male Genitalia
Oedema of scrotum.
Tearing in glans or (left) spermatic cord.