mixed with shreds (‘scrapings from intestines’); stools that contain a lot of small, white, shredded, membranous particles. Bleedings from the bowels with deathly nausea after smelling odours from cooking. During the evacuation of the stool, a violent and painful spasm of the sphincter may occur; this spasm is sometimes also present without a stool. ‘Spasms in the sphincter ani, with chilliness in the back, followed by urging to stool without being able to sufficiently evacuate the bowels’. Sometimes the rectum protrudes with the stool.
In most cases there is relatively scanty discharge in spite of the painful urging and tenesmus, but exhausting diarrhoea with much dehydra¬tion and collapse has also been observed. ‘Insufficient stool in the evening, in spite of much urging’.
Moreover: rather liquid stools, smelling very offensive, mixed with small white membranes or light bluish matter; extremely offensive diarrhoeic stools, consist¬ing of a pale orange-yellow, mucous fluid, with many big bright yellow flakes, without any faeces; watery evacuations in great quantities and of yellow colour, etc.
Some clinical experiences: ‘Fall dysentery, with evacuations of mere white mucus and violent tenesmus’. Dysentery: bloody stools with shreds of mucus, evacuated with violent tenesmus or protrusion of rectum, with much distension of the abdomen, colicky pains, burning and tenesmus on urination. Dysentery where the pains are mostly in the rectum: urging, pressing, forcing pains, with constant evacuations of small quantities. ‘Constant, very painful and exhausting diarrhoea, consisting of gelatinous lumps
of mucus and watery, slimy fluid; with constant urging to urinate and torturing kidney pains but no secretion of urine whatsoever’.
Other symptoms in the region of the rectum and anus:
Urging to stool, relieved by frequent passage of flatus.
In the anus: fine stinging and tearing; crawling and violent twitching; burning; itching, very slight or very intense; slight prickling.
‘The stool, which is not hard but very scanty, is forced out with very much effort’.