and motion’. ‘In the morning in bed, and also later, several violent stitches in chest on physical exertion’. ‘Stitches in the chest muscles as soon as the thorax is moved’. Rheumatism of pectoral muscles (Hering).
Obtuse stinging tearing pains very deep in the right chest; it is hard tell whether these pains are in the chest or in the back; they seem to penetrate all through. Sudden pains, violently cutting as from a sharp knife, in the right thorax, almost taking away the breath and compelling the patient to complain about them.
Violent palpitation of the heart. Palpitation with dyspnoea, about midnight. ‘As soon as the patient rises up, there is vertigo, palpitation with stitches at heart and deep faintness’ (from a cholera case). Sybel reports (AHZ) that Colchicum cured several times in cases of severe dysenteric or choleraic conditions, where the strength had been sinking rapidly and the pulse had already become thread-like, sometimes even imperceptible. This is the source of Hering’s ‘black letter’ symptom: ‘Pulse thread-like, imperceptible’.
Rheumatic fever which affects the heart; pericardial effusion, affection of the endocardium. I quote a case of Kidd (from R ckert, Clinical Experiences, Vol. 5:895): ‘Rheumatic fever in a 10-year-old boy. Propped up in bed in a sitting position, gasping for breath, complaining about a violent pain in sternum that extends as far as the left shoulder. Pulse accelerated, weak, restless, fluttering. Respiration accelerated and short. Great anxiety, restlessness, sleeplessness for the last 48 hours. Tongue coated yellow. No appetite, much thirst. Dry and hot skin. Dull sound in the left upper mammary region up to the margin of the cartilage of the third rib. Sounds of heart murmuring, weak, indistinct; there is a whistling to be heard at the heart. Pericardial effusion, endocardium is also affected. The boy has been suffering from rheumatic pains several times. Colchicum was give first every half hour, later in intervals of three hours; it soon relieved the condition and cured in two weeks’.
Heart diseases in patients whose parents or grandparents have been suffering from gout.
Loss of appetite with intense thirst. This combination is the rule in the