
Materia Medica Viva Volume 9 – page 1997

A biting, tingling or scraping in fauces and throat, as in coryza, provoking coughing and hawking. Hence thin mucus is detached which must be spat frequently.
Accumulation of greenish mucus in throat which is sometimes ejected involun¬tarily through the mouth on sneezing.
Inflammation of the whole pharynx; purulent tonsillitis (‘quinsy’).
Constriction of oesophagus.
A scraping sensation of dryness in the throat, in spite of accumulation of watery saliva in the mouth.
Respiration and Chest
Hoarseness in the morning, with roughness in throat; or hollow bass voice. Catarrh of air passages.
Difficult breathing and oppression of chest. Colchicum is indicated in certain asthmatic complaints, with dyspnoea, oppression and ‘frequent tensive feeling on chest’, also with violent palpitation of the heart and sensations of pressure upon chest, which are changing place; now they are felt high up, in the region of the shoulder, now low down in chest. Asthmatic complaints with dropsical states, for instance hydro¬thorax where a kind of asthma is present, with oedematous swelling of lower limbs (or of hands and feet) and with incessant urging for urination but only small quantities are painfully discharged. Respiration: difficult and accelerated, with distinctly audible wheezing and moaning; unequal and intermittent.
Nocturnal dyspnoea with palpitation of the heart, particularly 11 pm to 3 am.
A strange symptom: ‘Obtuse stitches deep in left chest on forceful expiration but not on inspiration; but soon afterwards only on inspiration’.
Short, dry cough, provoked by a tickling in larynx. Nocturnal cough, with involuntary spurting of urine (Jahr).
Chronic cough at night, excited by scraping in chest, with much expectoration; urging to sit up. May be accompanied by oedema of the extremities and chest. Stinging and tearing pains in the region of the thorax, especially in the chest muscles. For example: ‘Obtuse tearing pain in right chest, not far from the axilla, after which a sore feeling occurs, also on touch