Nosebleed, especially in the evening.
Nostrils dry and blackish.
Sore pain’ in septum nasi, aggravated on touching the spot and on moving the nose.
Marked pallor about nose and mouth, with circumscribed redness of the cheeks. Oedematous swelling of the face, with tenderness to touch and motion and sensitivity to dampness.
Jerking drawing pain in facial muscles, and deep in the bones.
Very disagreeable sensation in facial bones as if they were being torn apart; with single tearing jerks.
Tingling sensations on the skin of the face, as if it had been previously frozen. Cramp-like pain at the right maxillary joint.
Tearing tensive pains on left half of face, extending into the ear and into the head.
The salivary glands are affected by Colchicum, and there is constant watery salivation which accompanies digestive complaints (nausea, sensation of fullness). Watery salivation with dryness of the throat. Bitter and insipid taste; everything tastes like ‘old linen’, even food that has a strong taste.
The teeth are sensitive and painful, especially on biting them together and generally from motion; toothache worse at night. There may be a paralytic sensation and a cramp-like pain in the articulation of the jaws with these toothaches.
Tearing pains in jaws and gums, with feeling as if the teeth were elongated. Grinding of the teeth.
Tongue heavy, stiff, as if paralysed, even numb; talking is very difficult, only possible with effort.
Tongue coated whitish, yellow or with a brownish mucus, especially in the morning; thick brown sordes at lips, tongue, and teeth.
Sensation of warmth and dryness in mouth, with increase in thirst. Cracked lips. Drawing pain in teeth, like that occurring when a cold drink is taken immediately after a warm drink.