
Materia Medica Viva Volume 9 – page 1987

Colchicum Autumnale.
The Meadow Saffron.
N.O. Lilaceae.
Tincture of the springtime bulb.
Colchicum patients are very sensitive and irritable people because they have difficulty in absorbing and processing outside stimuli like light, food, questions, and contacts. Every external impression or stimulation will upset them, they get totally beside themselves because they are unable to process it and digest it. They seem to ‘boil’ and keep inside all the toxins that then create deposits or fermentation and swellings of the joints, or bloat of the abdomen.
They cannot stand a verbal attack, or much more, rudeness, and they do not even like to be interrupted when talking. Their mind is always in a state of semi-confusion, but when they are interrupted they become dull and stupid and their mind stops working.
In this irritable mood it is easy to understand that they fly into a temper from the ‘misbehaviour of a child’ or the ‘misdeeds of others’. ‘He is morose, ill-humoured and not satisfied with anything’. The nerves are overexcited, overstrung, any stress is intolerable, and will prove too much.
They do not tolerate pain at all, and will be easily discouraged; they will call the homeopath again and again, complaining bitterly about this or that symptom, and then you will realise that the problem is not the symptoms presented, but the inner state of the patient.