
Materia Medica Viva Volume 9 – page 1981

continuing steadily, worse when swallowing; when there is a swelling over the uvula and the uvula is elongated; patient thinks that there is mucus sticking at the uvula which he wants to swallow, with heat and dryness in the fauces.
Throat as if inflamed, with swelling of the velum, which is felt like an accum¬ulation of tough mucus.
Respiration, Chest and Heart
Great roughness and hoarseness in the larynx, in the morning on waking. The larynx seems to be covered with dry mucus and seems to contract spasmodically, with a sudden dry hacking cough.
Coffea has proved useful in spasmus glottidis of an infant. The little girl ‘gasped for breath several times a day, then more frequently, finally three or four times every hour, uttering a peculiar sound like wheezing; she became blue in the face and threatened to suffocate. Later, mucous vomiting and continuous cool sweats added to this condition. During a bath she became blue over and over and got her choking attacks’.
Palpitation of the heart. Violent, irregular palpitation, with trembling of the limbs, especially after emotions, particularly joyful emotions, with insomnia, rush of ideas, tremendous excitement.
Great hunger before a meal; greedy and hasty eating. The opposite action, however, is also noted: diminished appetite.
The thirst may also be increased. ‘Thirst at night; frequently awakes to drink’. We also find little or absent thirst in the pathogenesis of the remedy, however. Nausea as a concomitant of headaches, often accompanied by a feeling of emptiness in stomach but usually without vomiting.
Or else: continuous inclination to vomit, felt in the upper part of the throat. Cramps in the stomach with excessive irritability and sensitivity, so strong that patient feels he cannot stand the pain.