woman had her lower limb out of bed and it was as red as fire down one side. I walked toward it to put my hand on it. But she said, “Oh, don’t touch it, I can’t bear to have it touched; I can’t touch it myself. ” I asked how long this had been coming on. She said, “Oh, it all came on within one hour. ” Such a symptom is common in coffee drinkers. Aggravation from anyone walking across the floor. The woman I referred to scowled when I was walking toward the bed’. ‘Excessively violent pains with weeping mood’.
Two examples from clinical cases:
‘In the most violent cases of toothache, where patients are besides themselves, crying and trembling and not knowing what to do with anxiety, unable even to describe the pain’ (Hering).
‘She ran from one room into the other, with tears in her eyes, although she concedes that the pain is not so excessive in reality, but it affects her so badly. With this, great haste, whereas she was a calm person in health’ (Bonninghausen).
Fantasy is strongly excited by Coffea, as is seen in the following symptom from the proving: ‘Lively fancies; full of plans for the future; contrary to his custom he is in a sentimental ecstasy about the beauties of nature when he reads descriptions of them’. The intellect is excited with rush of ideas, making plans, inclination to spontaneous actions, extreme agitation and restlessness. ‘He is beset by a thousand thoughts, and recollects the most remote events’, Kent says: ‘Recalls poetry that was recited in childhood’.
In addition, the emotions are excited very much, which is manifested in peevishness and anger, in sadness, but also in quickly changing moods. ‘Peevish, full of care, lachrymose mood’. ‘She has only peevish and sad thoughts; she cries aloud and can be quieted by nothing’. ‘Angry, could have thrown anything away from him.