was painful), but also while sitting, as if the inner parts were suffering from the sharp pressure of a stone; the parts are painful to external touch, as if there were an internal ulcer’.
Extreme exhaustion from the menstrual bleeding, to a degree that the patient can neither stand nor speak. This weakness can also occur in retarded and scanty menses.
Dysmenorrhoea can also be triggered by extreme mortification during the menstrual period: violent abdominal spasms, with howling, crying and moaning.
There are many symptoms that come on with the menses. Distension of the abdomen, constipation, nausea and vomiting, headache, insomnia, vertigo, dullness of head, spasms of chest, trembling of whole body, a fainting feeling, paralytic weakness of lower limbs.
The blood will often be dark, even black, or mixed with black clots. Leucorrhoea in place of the menses or between periods, sometimes looking like the washings of meat. It tends to gush out on bending or squatting down.
A bloody discharge during pregnancy has been cured by Cocculus. It was painless but continuous. Very frequent urging to urinate in pregnant women is another indication.
‘Shivering over mammae’.
Neck and Back
Symptoms of weakness and paralysis are dominant in this region. Weakness of the cervical muscles, with heaviness of the head
which cannot be supported by the neck.
Stiff pain in the cervical muscles on moving neck, also on yawning. Painful cracking in cervical vertebrae on moving head.
Similar symptoms are also found in other parts of the back, especially in the lumbar region. ‘Paralytic pain in the small of the back, with spasmodic drawing across the hips, which prevents walking, with anxious fearful mood’. Or else: ‘Attacks of paralytic weakness, with pain in the
back’. ‘On standing, pain in the back, as if one had exerted oneself too much, like from over-lifting’. The weakness can amount to trembling. Another syndrome is called ‘spinal irritation’ in the old texts. There is an