only during day. ‘Frequent whitish-yellow and thinly fluid stools’. ‘Chronic diarrhoea’. ‘Diarrhoea better sitting’.
The diarrhoea may also be accompanied by abdominal pains ‘as of sharp stones rubbing together’.
Constipation: ‘Hard stool every other day, expelled with great difficulty’. Haemorrhoids before and after menses.
Urinary Organs
A very frequent urging to urinate, sometimes every 15 minutes, with very little discharge, is the most marked symptom in this region.
Male Genitalia
Increased sensitivity of genitalia, with tendency to arousal and desire for sex. Pain in both testicles, of a drawing character or as if bruised, especially when touched.
Itching externally at scrotum, or itching in the scrotum.
Nocturnal ejaculation.
Female Genitalia
Cocculus is an important remedy in dysmenorrhoea with cramping abdominal pains.
The time of menstruation is a problematic time in many Cocculus cases, as well as the time where it ceases (in climaxis or pregnancy). The female cycle is frequently very irregular. Either the bleeding tends to be suppressed or is absent for a longer time, with scanty discharge or leucorrhoea instead of the menses, or it comes too early and profusely, often in gushes. Two symptoms of the proving that illustrate the early menses with violent colic: ‘Menstruation seven days too early, with distension of the abdomen, and cutting-contracting pain in the abdomen on every motion and every breath; together with contraction of the rectum’. ‘Menstruation eight days too early, with distension of the abdomen, and pain in the upper region of abdomen, not only on every motion (every step