Or: ‘A kind of choking contraction in the fauces, which impedes breathing and provokes cough’. It may occur in the chest: ‘Tensive constriction in the right side of the chest, which impedes the breathing’. Or: ‘Oppression of the chest, especially about the upper part of the sternum, which impedes the breathing’.
Or it may arise in the epigastrium: ‘Griping in the upper abdomen, taking away the breath’.
Constrictive sensations will also cause an irritation to cough which may sometimes be continuous: ‘A suffocative sensation, taking away the breath and constricting the trachea, which almost constantly provokes coughing’. Or: ‘Irritation to cough high up in larynx’. There may also be a very fatiguing, racking cough from oppression of chest, particularly at night. This oppression may be caused by cough in the first instance, and later it again becomes the reason for more coughing.
A very characteristic sensation is an emptiness in the left side of the chest. In the proving it is expressed like this: ‘Audible rumbling, in left side of chest as it were, as if from emptiness, especially noticeable when walking’.
A patient said, “I have a feeling in the left half of the chest as if there were something missing, as if it were hollow”.
Sighing after convulsions.
Coldness and chilliness in mammae.
Cramps in chest during menses. Perspiration on chest in the morning.
Heart and Pulse
There is a tendency to palpitation of the heart. ‘A tremulous motion of the heart or a slight throbbing, from quick motion or mental excitement’. This will often be coupled with vertigo and a fainting feeling, ‘has to hold on to something’.
It is one of the main remedies for sea sickness when there is intense nausea and vomiting. Also the nausea comes riding in a car, swinging, or any ‘rolling’ or rocking motion.