drawing and tension in the inguinal region, thigh and scrotum; violent fever, pains in limbs, headache, vomiting’
Clematis tends to an ‘excited sexual drive’ with ‘involuntary erections by day’, but in this context there is a strange symptom that is characteristic: ‘Aversion to sexual pleasure, all day, even during the erections, as though he had satisfied his sexual drive excessively’ or ‘as if even the thought of sex were disgusting to him’.
Burning pain in urethra, in the region of the prostate gland, during seminal discharge.
Cancer of scrotum, hard, scirrhus.
Enlarged testes while walking.
Urticaria on genitalia.
Inflammation of testes, warmth of bed aggravates.
Pain in spermatic cord aggravated by warmth of bed, walking.
Involuntary ejaculation and increased sexual desire when talking to women.
Burning pain in glans penis during ejaculation and pain in penis during coition.
Female Genitalia
The mammae and ovaries are most affected, but also the uterus.
Full, heavy, sensitive breasts, also indurated nodules in them.
Mammary tumours, even malignant; lancinating pains from within
outward; pains worse in cold dry wind, from cold in general and at night; much perspiration but cannot bear uncovering.
‘Glandular induration above nipple, painful when touched’.
Oophoritis and painful tumours of the ovaries.
Corrosive leucorrhoea and lancinating pains; uterine tumours.
Menses earlier and more profuse than otherwise.
Pains shooting upward, especially during micturition and on inspiring.
Neck and Back
Moist eruption in the nape of the neck, extending to the occiput. Contractive-cutting pain in the kidney region, especially when walking.
Heat in lumbar region externally.