simultaneous feeling of coldness in urethra (a keynote).
Purulent matter in the urine.
Urethra painful to touch; may feel like a thick whipcord.
Contractive-cutting, drawing pain in region of kidneys, when walking.
Pain in ureters extending to urethra and into seminal cords.
Drawing pain and tension in prostate gland.
Itching in urethral meatus after urging to urination.
Burning pain in the urethra after ejaculation.
Burning pain in urethra during urination after warm bath.
Male Genitalia
Swelling, inflammation, induration and pain in the testicles, is
one of the confirmed indications of Clematis.
The testicles are often painfully sensitive; they may hang down heavily,
especially after walking, or else they are drawn up. The pains in the testes extend upward and downward, especially into the spermatic cord, the inguinal region and the thighs.
‘Pain drawing upward in the testicles and in the spermatic cord’.
‘Sensitiveness of the right spermatic cord, with drawing up of the right testicle ‘Increased sensitiveness, amounting to a most unpleasant pain in the testicles and spermatic cord, in the morning in bed’. ‘Increased aching in testicles and spermatic cord’, relieved by a violent outbreak of sweat.
The right testicle is painful to touch, as if bruised, with drawing and tension in the inguinal region, left thigh, and scrotum, in which there is a pinching pain when touched and on walking.
Sensation of weight in left testicle with a sensation of tension and pain, and swelling in the right spermatic cord.
The scrotum may also be much swollen: ‘Swelling of the right half of the scrotum, which is thickened and hangs low down, together with the testicle’.
‘Inflammatory swelling and hardness of testes. Testicle painfully sensi¬tive, especially on touch and motion; red and swollen; drawing pain extending to the spermatic cord; pinching pain as if bruised on touch; with