Pain in hypogastrium on stooping, from pressure.
Pain in abdomen extending to penis.
Cramping, griping pain in the region of umbilicus, aggravated during menses and before stool and even flatus.
Dragging bearing-down pain in abdomen, with urging to urinate.
Rectum and Stool
Constipation for several days; hard stool, discharged only with great exertion. Or else: frequent stools, becoming thinner and thinner, without abdominal pain. Itching and burning in rectum, ameliorated after stool.
Flatus during menses.
Urinary Organs
The intermittent urination and the tendency to urethral stricture have been discussed extensively in the ‘Generalities’. Urination slow, in a thin and weak stream.
In addition, there are many inflammatory and painful conditions of the urinary tract. Burning in urethra on urinating is frequently present, or: ‘When beginning to urinate, it burns (bites) the worst; while urinating it sticks in the urethra (from within outward); and after urinating it still continues to burn and bite; when not urinating there is a tearing forward in the penis’. Or else: ‘During urination, painful drawing in the spermatic cord, extending into the abdomen’, even a lancinating pain extending to the chest.
The pain may also extend to the lower part of the back. Ardor urinae and tenesmus, with pain in the lumbar region; the forcing induces involuntary lachrymation. Or: heavy, aching pain in lower part of back; contin¬ual desire to pass water, first with inability to perform the act; then urine comes away in drops, finally the stream becomes full and continuous.
Frequent urination but only of a small quantity each time. Burning pain in the meatus of the urethra from the last drops of urine. Nearly always pains remain after urination: a prickling burning in urethra; tingling, itching and stinging in meatus. Or else: violent urging to urinate; is afraid to put on clothes; the urine only comes in drops, however; with pain in perineum; with burning and