
Materia Medica Viva Volume 9 – page 1936

Clematis has fairly often been used in toothaches, and also for pains in the face or head that extend from the teeth or that have a focus in a tooth. The modalities are particularly striking: ‘Toothache, tolerable during the day, but as soon as he lies down in bed and assumes a horizontal position it increases to an unbearable degree, and is not relieved by any position’. Touch also aggravates the pains whereas cold water in the mouth relieves them, at least temporarily. ‘Sucking’ at the tooth with the tongue also ameliorates.
Teeth feel too long, with free flow of saliva from the mouth.
Gums of left lower molars pain, as if sore, worst while eating.
Tongue dry in morning, on waking.
Offensive breath, distinctly perceptible to other people.
Cracked mouth, tongue is fissured on sides and painful with hard margins. Vesicular eruptions becoming ulcers in mouth.
Constant motion of tongue.
Sore pains in the gums while eating.
Pain in teeth, ameliorated from air drawn in.
Sensation of elongation in decayed teeth.
Swelling in the corner of the mouth.
Respiration, Chest, and Heart
Dryness and burning along the whole trachea, worse after motion and in the open air, drinking water does not ameliorate.
A peculiar dyspnoea, coming in paroxysms, after slight exertion, e.g. ascending a little hill, walking on uneven ground for half an hour. Has to stand still; ‘it seemed to him that he could not get his breath if he took some more steps’, with a feeling of heat in the chest as if he should spit blood.
Very violent cough, with irregular breathing, now accelerated, now slowed down; cough rough and barking, with burning on the inner surface of the sternum and stitches in both lungs.
Oppression of chest, as from intense emotion.
Constant pressive pain in the whole thoracic cavity. Obtuse stitches in the chest,