
Materia Medica Viva Volume 9 – page 1935

of dryness; the eyes are red and shining, he is compelled to close the lids. Inflammation of the margins of the lids with smarting pain; conjunc¬tivitis, especially with tinea of the scalp, the eyebrows or the eyelashes, with morning agglutination of the lids. Crusts in inner canthi.
Complaints of eyes are aggravated by cold.
Tired expression in the eyes.
Burning pain in both concha, with sensation of heat and real warmth, which was perceptible to the touch.
Ringing in ears, as from bells.
Noises, ringing in morning.
Sickly pallor of face.
Momentary attacks, frequently repeated, of heat in face, with red cheeks and a feeling in the eyes as if a veil were before them.
Prosopalgia, often extending from the teeth, with drawing and twitching pains, extending to the eye and ear; the eye becomes very sensitive to light; often the pain is better when cold water is kept in the mouth.
Eruptions on face; at forehead, over eyebrows, at root of nose, tip of nose, chin; first a fine stinging pain, then the eruption appears which later takes on a pustular appearance; painful to the touch.
Vesicular eruptions, especially at the lips.
A strange symptom: ‘A burning-cutting stitch through the left side of the lower lip, as if it were being cut to pieces’.
The submaxillary glands are swelling, forming hard tubercles, throbbing, tight, as if they were inflamed; they are painful on touch.
Cancer of lower lip. Itching vesicles in lower lip.
Pain in face, lying on the affected side aggravates. Smoking ameliorates pain. Pain in jaw aggravated by heat, warmth of bed.